Personal data policy 

Personal data policy for the processing of guest, customer and supplier data.

Sønderborg Sports Folk High School being the following organization:
Idrætshøjskolen Sønderborg, CVR: 35 90 26 19

1. Data controller

Sønderborg Sports Folk High School is the data controller.

Sønderborg Sports Folk High School’s contact information is:, Friheds allé 42, 6400 Sønderborg, Tel. 74 42 18 48, Attn: Principal Michael Willemar.

Sønderborg Sports Folk High School handles all personal information in accordance with applicable personal data legislation. 

Sønderborg Sports Folk High School enters into agreements with guests (including students and course participants), customers and suppliers/partners about delivery – purchase and sale – of various services and products.

When a guest/customer orders and buys one or more of Sønderborg Sports Folk High School’s services and as part of this provides his/her personal data to Sønderborg Sports Folk High School. He/she also gives his/her consent that the guest’s/customer’s/supplier’s personal data can be processed by Sønderborg Sports Folk High School.

The same applies to any personal data that suppliers provide to Sønderborg Sports Folk High School in connection with the submission of offers or the conclusion of agreements with Sønderborg Sports Folk High School .

This policy must meet the requirements for information on the processing of personal data in the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) 2016/679, April 27, 2016, which entered into force in May 2018, as well as the Personal data protection law.

2. Sønderborg Sports Folk High School’s collection of personal data

Personal data is collected by the school in the following way:

  • When a guest/customer – or a representative of this – chooses to o acquire and/or buy one of Sønderborg Sports Folk High School’s services/products, or when a supplier makes an offer or sells products or services to Sønderborg Sports Folk High School .
  • From B2B market
  • Through browser cookies and web beacons
  • When using Sønderborg Sports Folk High School’s digital services
  • When subscribing to Sønderborg Sports Folk High School’s newsletter
  • From social media, advertising and analysis providers as well as public records.
  • Via video and TV surveillance
  • At events at Sønderborg Sports Folk High School 
  • When suppliers enter into agreements with Sønderborg Sports Folk High School or submit offers to Sønderborg Sports Folk High School .

The collection and processing of personal data, cf. the above, will always be in accordance with applicable personal data law.


3. Information that Sønderborg Sports Folk High School collects:

Sønderborg Sports Folk High School collects the following personal data for long and short course participants in connection with registration, events:

  • Name, address, telephone number, e-mail address, civil registration number, nationality, details of relatives, main courses, previous educational background, DGU number (if applicable), golf handicap and accommodation
  • Financial information – typically to guarantee the reservation and to pay for the stay.
  • Demographic information
  • Purchase history, including previous stays and the use of Sønderborg Sports Folk High School’s apps and/or digital services.
  • Information from Sønderborg Sports Folk High School’s evaluation surveys
  • Information from any competitions held.
  • Information from Sønderborg Sports Folk High School’s social media and other digital platforms belonging to Sønderborg Sports Folk High School 
  • Browser information
  • Information about the guest/customer’s relevant contacts.
  • Information about suppliers’ businesses and information about relevant contacts and key persons including key accounts.

A guest/customer/supplier may voluntarily and at their own choice provide Sønderborg Sports Folk High School with additional personal data that they believe may be of importance to Sønderborg Sports Folk High School’s service/servicing of the guest/customer/supplier, or which the person concerned believes should be provided for security reasons.

This may, for example, be information about:

  • Disability
  • Allergies
  • Special food preferences
  • Other health or medical information

If a guest/customer/supplier voluntarily and by their own choice chooses to provide such information, Sønderborg Sports Folk High School considers this as consent to register and store these sensitive information about the person concerned.

We delete all information about a guest/customer who is not started at the turn of the

year after the school year in question. We keep the details of a guest/customer on the waiting list for the current school year/course period. We keep them in order to be able to offer the student a stay if other guests/customers drop out. If the guest/customer does not wish to be on the waiting list, please notify the administration.

Sønderborg Sports Folk High School uses CPR number for reporting to the Ministry of Education in connection with grants, as well as Statistics Denmark in connection with statutory education statistics.

When a guest/customer is associated with a stay at the school, we also collect the following information about you:

  • Absence due to illness and other absences.
  • Information in connection with mentoring agreements.
  • Information via key chip and wi-fi.

Sønderborg Sports Folk High School takes pictures and videos from events and everyday life at the school. These pictures are used to make the school’s everyday life and education visible. In this way, Sønderborg Sports Folk High School can use pictures for marketing purposes. Both in prints and online media such as Sønderborg Sports Folk High School’s website, Facebook, Instagram, Google, Youtube and Vimeo as well as online advertising. 

Upon registration, Sønderborg Sports Folk High School will ask the guests/customers for consent to the publication of media material where guests/customers can be recognized.

To the extent that Sønderborg Sports Folk High School takes portrait photos, including class photos or school photos, Sønderborg Sports Folk High School also asks for consent to publish them on online media.

4. Payment with payment card

Sønderborg Sports Folk High School uses DIBS (Nets) and mobilepay to accept payments with debit and credit cards. DIBS and Sønderborg Sports Folk High School are approved and certified by Pengeinstitutternes Betalingssystem (

Upon registering/booking, Sønderborg Sports Folk High School stores the information provided by the guest/customer/supplier for up to 2 years after which the information is deleted/anonymized, unless the retention period of the Danish Bookkeeping Act applies.

In addition to handling the registration/booking, the information provided will only be used if a guest/customer/supplier asks questions or if the registration/booking is wrong.


5. What is the purpose of the collection and processing?

Sønderborg Sports Folk High School only collects personal data that is necessary to fulfill the agreements entered into with guests/customers/suppliers for the provision of services, for example a stay or purchase/sale of products or services.
It is the content of the individual agreement/the nature of the service that determines the purpose of the collection.

The purpose of collecting and processing personal data will primarily be:

  • Processing of guests’/customers’ registration/booking and purchase of Sønderborg Sports Folk High School’s services.
  • Processing of suppliers’ offers and sale of products and services
  • Contact to the guest/customer before, during and after their stay
  • Completion of the guest / customer’s request for offers or purchase of services.
  • Improvement and development of Sønderborg Sports Folk High School’s services.
  • Adaptation of Sønderborg Sports Folk High School’s marketing and other communication.
  • Analysis of guests/customers/suppliers’ user behavior and marketing towards them.
  • Adaptation of Sønderborg Sports Folk High School’s partners’ communication and marketing to guests/customers/suppliers.
  • Management of guests’/customers’/suppliers’ relationship with Sønderborg Sports Folk High School, including participation in Sønderborg Sports Folk High School’s student association.
  • Compliance of legal requirements, e.g. requirements to register residence according to the immigration legislation and the passport notice.


6. Legal basis – the legal basis for the processing

Sønderborg Sports Folk High School will usually process personal data because it is necessary to fulfill an agreement with Sønderborg Sports Folk High School for which you are a guest/customer or a supplier. This may for example be related with a stay at the school, conference and/or handling and fulfillment of cooperation and supplier agreements.

In addition, Sønderborg Sports Folk High School will process personal data from registration/booking prior to a folk high school stay, conference, course, etc. and prior to the conclusion of supplier agreements. This will be done according to the rules set out in the Danish Bookkeeping Act. 

In some cases, Sønderborg Sports Folk High School will process personal information as part of Sønderborg Sports Folk High School pursuing a legitimate / material interest which precedes the interests of the student / course participant/ supplier.

Such a legitimate interest may for example be the compilation of statistics, evaluation studies, marketing and analysis of general guest/customer behavior, which is intended to generally improve the experience at Sønderborg Sports Folk High School and the quality of Sønderborg Sports Folk High School’s services and products.

If a guest/customer in connection with their stay/visit at Sønderborg Sports Folk High School states special personal preferences or considerations, including e.g. health information, disability, religious beliefs or something like that. Sønderborg Sports Folk High School only uses the information to ensure that the guest’s/customer’s personal preferences, health, etc. are taken into account.

Sønderborg Sports Folk High School is also required by law, cf. p 5, to register various information about students/customers stays. This information must be stored for a minimum of one year and a maximum of two years.

7. Rights of the data subject

According to the rules of the Personal Data Regulation, the data subjects (customers/guests/suppliers) have various rights.

  • A registered person has the right at any time to gain insight into the personal information that Sønderborg Sports Folk High School processes about the person.
  • A registered person has the right at any time to correct and update the personal information that Sønderborg Sports Folk High has about the person.
  • A registered person has the right at any time to delete the personal data that Sønderborg Sports Folk High School has about the person. All data that Sønderborg Sports Folk High School is not required to store, will be deleted if a registered person request it. In some cases, erasure of the data subject’s data may mean that Sønderborg Sports Folk High School cannot fulfill any agreements entered into or provide certain services to the data subject.

If some of the information that Sønderborg Sports Folk High School has about the data subject has been provided on the basis of the data subject’s consent, the data subject has the right to withdraw the consent at any time. It means that the information will be deleted or no longer used by Sønderborg Sports Folk High School. This does not apply to information that Sønderborg Sports Folk High School is legally obliged to store, cf. section above.

The possibility of withdrawing/requesting deletion etc. may however be limited for reasons of protection of other persons’ privacy, business secrets and intellectual property rights, and for example for reasons of the possibility of enforcing potential legal requirements.

The registrant may at any time write and ask Sønderborg Sports Folk High School to obtain an overview and a copy of the personal data about the registrant that Sønderborg Sports Folk High School holds. A written request must be signed by the registrant and contain his or her name, address, telephone number and e-mail address. 

The registrant may also contact Sønderborg Sports Folk High School if the data subject believes that their personal data is being processed in violation of the law or in violation of other legal obligations. For example in relation to the agreement/contract that the registrant haswith Sønderborg Sports Folk High School.

A written request must be sent to Sønderborg Sports Folk High School. See contact information above (under p. 1). Sønderborg Sports Folk High School will, as far as possible, within 1 month of receipt of the registrant’s written request, send it to the data subject’s postal address.

If the registrant asks for correction and / or deletion of his personal information, Sønderborg Sports Folk High School will assess whether the conditions for the request are met. If they are mets, Sønderborg Sports Folk High School will implement changes and/or deletion as soon as possible. Sønderborg Sports Folk High School draws attention to the fact that in some cases it may mean that the registered person cannot continue the course at Sønderborg Sports Folk High School. It can for example be the case if it is not possible to process information about health, etc. If Sønderborg Sports Folk High School cannot meet the request, the data subject will be contacted.

Sønderborg Sports Folk High School may charge an administration fee of max DKK 200 for processing the request.

Sønderborg Sports Folk High School reserves the right to reject requests that have the character of harassing repetition, that require disproportionate technical measures (e.g. development of a new IT system), that affect the protection of other data subjects’ personal data or in other situations where it would be disproportionately resource-intensive or very complicated to meet the request.


8. Security and sharing of personal data

Sønderborg Sports Folk High School protects the data subject’s personal data and has established guidelines that protect the data subject’s personal data against unauthorized disclosure and against unauthorized access or knowledge of them.

Only those persons/employees at Sønderborg Sports Folk High School who have the requisite personal data may have access to it through their job function.

Sønderborg Sports Folk High School regularly checks that unauthorized access to the personal data of the registered person does not occur.

Sønderborg Sports Folk High School makes regular backups of the registered personal data. In the event of a security breach where there is a high risk of misuse of the data subjects’ personal data, including for example identity theft, financial loss, loss of reputation or other forms of misuse, Sønderborg Sports Folk High School will notify the data subjects of the security breach as soon as possible. Sønderborg Sports Folk High School’s security procedures are continuously reassessed and updated in relation to technological developments.

Sønderborg Sports Folk High School uses a number of external suppliers of IT services, IT systems, payment solutions. For example Sønderborg Sports Folk High School regularly enters into data processing agreements with all Sønderborg Sports Folk High School’s suppliers, which also ensures that external data processors maintain a necessary and high level of protection with regard to the personal data of the data subjects.

In order to fulfill agreements with the data subjects and to meet the needs of students, guests and customers, Sønderborg Sports Folk High School shares selected personal data with external suppliers such as travel companies, accommodations, etc. This is done at the guest’s/customer’s own request for participate in a trip.

In some cases, Sønderborg Sports Folk High School is legally obliged to disclose personal data or obliged to do so as a result of a decision by a public authority. 

Sønderborg Sports Folk High School deletes your personal data when it no longer serves a valid purpose.

Contact information can be stored for a longer period of time for use in connection with e.g. student associations and anniversaries. This is only done with the consent of the individual.

As a general rule, financial data is stored for 5 years and other data for 2 years after the last visit.

Final examination certificates are kept indefinitely.

9. Cookies

Sønderborg Sports Folk High School uses cookies. A cookie is a small text file that the browser places on your PC. It is not a program and cannot contain viruses. Sønderborg Sports Folk High School uses cookies for: Personal settings and website functionality: e.g. in a contact form. 

The next time you fill out the form, the cookie makes it easier for you. It will for example suggest your name, address or email address when you start typing. We can not see this cookie.

Simple statistics: To improve the website. These cookies tell us which pages are visited the most, whether your computer has visited us before (based on the IP address), which browser and screen resolution you use, etc. Sønderborg Sports Folk High School also uses cookies to handle registrations.

Targeted marketing: To show ads based on your behavior on the websites of Sønderborg Sports Folk High School and others. In certain cases where you are signed in with your e-mail, tracking of your behavior across the website of Sønderborg Sports Folk High School may occur. Sønderborg Sports Folk High School has no responsibility for or control over which cookies are used, when clicking on functions that navigate to other websites (e.g. social media). In your browser, you can delete cookies, block them or the browser may ask for your acceptance. See how to do this in different browsers at:

10. Complaints

Complaints about Sønderborg Sports Folk High School’s processing of personal data can be made to the Danish Data Protection Agency, Borgergade 28, 5, 1300 Copenhagen K, telephone +45 3319 3200, email

11. Update

Sønderborg Sports Folk High School is committed to complying with the basic principles of personal data protection and data protection. Therefore, Sønderborg Sports Folk High School regularly reviews this policy to keep it updated and in accordance with applicable principles and legislation. This policy is subject to change without notice. Significant changes to the policy will be published on Sønderborg Sports Folk High School’s website together with an updated version of the policy.

Any changes that Sønderborg Sports Folk High School may make to this policy in the future will be published on this page and may be notified by email.

The date of the last update of this document appears at the top of the document.




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