Non-sports subjects

Below you can see the wide range of non-sports subjects that we offer. Hopefully some of our subjects will catch your interest. The different subjects are offered at different times of the year. You will get a deeper presentation when you arrive and at this time you must select the subjects you like. You get to try two subjects from each category during a normal semester. Make a safe choice or try something new – the choice is yours.

We strive to meet all 1st priorities, but unfortunately, we cannot guarantee it. Therefore your 2nd and 3rd priorities are also important. The subjects and maximum capacity in each subject are subject to change, as we take into account the time of year and numbers of students.



First aid


Band and choir

Board games



Outdoor life

Pottery and ceramics



Our Nature

Mental strength and personal development

Culture Club

Social Dynamics

Management Academy

Around Politics

Life values

Film studies

Body culture and gender

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